Data Science

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Chatbot with Data Science

Chatbots with Data Science

At smartSense, we have developed and continuously adding Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our tailor made chatbots for various processes and domains, in order to satisfy existing needs and requirements in corporate environment. The processes that we have worked on are leave management, operation management and more. So now the employees can raise the leave requests, check leaves available, pending leaves and other related data using this chatbot in their smartphone using the chatbot.

Our initial framework belongs to AIML (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)-Python based architecture and currently we are working with Rasa framework and other open source frameworks like Microsoft & IBM. We use python for this and various libraries from which NLTK is the most prominent. We have built architecture for personalized communication with a spell checker, location tracking, suggestive key words, phrases and more.

The data science team at smartSense is adept in making AI powered, customized chatbots for banking & finance, healthcare & insurance, education domain along with corporate management.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Our, problem solver, tech savvy data science team has worked on Quantitative and Qualitative data which covers Natural Language Processing of text using R, Python, SAS, SPSS, Matlab and MS azure ML studio for data processing. From the text, our team elegantly does data-deduplication, n-gram creation, vectorization and other processes to get the desired output.

We have used NLP in multiple projects one of which is a startup in silicon valley and the founder has been CTO at UC Berkeley since years. While working with them we have constructed a classification of text analysis model for their project.

Processes and methods used in NLP:

  • Text preprocessing: Language detection, Stemming, Stop words removal, Lemmatization, Tokenization, TF-IDF, Name entity recognition for intent, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) or Principal component analysis (PCA), data dictionary creation
  • Model building: Supervised & Unsupervised Learning, Model Evaluation
  • Subjective Analysis
  • Information Retrieval
Data Science Services

Other Services using Data Science

Data science is an expeditiously evolving domain, linking other aspects and domains like RPA (Robotic Process Automation), big-data technologies, cloud computing, blockchains, IoT/IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), Chatbots/Virtual SMEs, deep learning and many more. Exploiting data science with all these technologies, concludes to extensive solutions proving benfiencient in all 3 realms - Physical, Virtual and Digital.

At smartSense we provide all these service with our maximum energy focussed on the dynamic reports generated using Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence along with descriptive, predictive and prescriptive modeling.

Following is a list of things we are adept at with Data Science:

  • Descriptive, Predictive, Prescriptive & Comparative Analysis
  • Sentiment and text analytics by use of NLP(Natural language processing)
  • Social Media Mining
  • Conjoint analysis for market research
  • Deep Learning
  • Recommendation Engine
  • Face Detection and image processing
  • Cognitive Learning
  • Behavioural and statistical analysis on financial data